Cultivating Faith Culture

cul·​ture·vat·ing \ verb

1. Cultivating your faith & family culture by learning to abide in Messiah Yeshua and His Torah.

Truthfully, it was an apple pie with a rosette and lines, not a pagan pie

Whoops, Did I Bake a Pagan Pie?

This week, my son Joined (a 20-year-old with autism) unwittingly taught me a lesson that had nothing to do with our usual deep discussions. Although we’re not followers of Staley, we did catch the “Truth or Tradition” video, and it seems Joined watched it at least twice and took some notes.

Returning from a trip during the afternoon of December 24th, I decided to bake an apple pie because my husband had a hankering for it. With leftover dough and a burst of creativity, I fashioned a pie crust artwork, complete with crumble topping, strips of dough, and a rosette in the center. Call me a wannabe food artist. My husband is the real artist in the family.

My husband thought it was beautiful and devoured it,

But Joined…

…with furrowed brows, was on high alert. Why? He was concerned I had fashioned the pie crust as a “Sun” as a tribute to Sol Invictus, celebrating the sun god’s birth on that day.

He was hoping I had not left Torah and was following after a Stone Age cult leader. In his eyes, I had baked a “PAGAN PIE” (my words, not his, but he was ready to boycott if I confirmed it was for Sol Invictus)!

After a closer inspection and a bit of explanation from me, Joined relaxed. Crisis averted. Yes, this was amusing!

Ut-Oh, Am I Guilty of the Same?

But it also got me pondering about the posts flooding the groups this past month (and I might be guilty of sharing posts, too). So many people, not celebrating Hanukkah or Christmas, were quick to point out the pagan roots (whether correct on every issue or not) with a dash of self-righteousness.

It hit me: speaking the truth in love is vital, but our actions speak louder than words. We aren’t going to reach people by breaking pie dishes over their heads.

Perhaps it’s time to stop expecting a “Stone Age cult leader” to pop up behind every design a person makes.

And I’m not influenced by evil spirits who led me, unknowingly, to design a pagan symbol and now I require immediate deliverance.

Yes, It’s an Apple Pie!

It was just an apple pie, adorned with some unintentional artwork from a well-intentioned wife and mom. It’s a pretty rosette from leftover pie strips.

I won’t toss my pie in the trash because it might offend someone on a pagan-symbol hunt. Yes, we must be cautious not to worship Yah like others worship false gods, as Deuteronomy 12 wisely warns us.

“When יהוה your Elohim does cut off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you dispossess them and dwell in their land, guard yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire about their mighty ones, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their mighty ones? And let me do so too.’
Do not do so to יהוה your Elohim, for every abomination which יהוה hates they have done to their mighty ones, for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their mighty ones. All the words I am commanding you, guard to do it – do not add to it nor take away from it.”

May the Law of Kindness Rules Our Tongues

But let’s also remember to tread lightly, speak kindly, and be living testimonies rather than internet stone-throwers.

Here’s to a slice of non-controversial apple pie and the wisdom to navigate these amusing, unintentional theological debates! Relax, I’m not serving Pagan Pie at my house! Shalom!