Cultivating Faith Culture

cul·​ture·vat·ing \ verb

1. Cultivating your faith & family culture by learning to abide in Messiah Yeshua and His Torah.

Pursuing Yah Through a Trial of Faith Thanksgiving Week

Shabbat Dinner Discovery

As we gathered for our weekly Shabbat, little did we know it would be a night etched in gratitude and faith. Seated around the table, savoring Zuppa Toscana (made with Kosher Meat) and homemade sourdough, our tranquility was disrupted by a concerning discovery about our adult son, Joined (name changed).

Glancing at his fingernail beds, I noticed an unsettling purple hue. Panic set in, and my mind raced through possible explanations. As a Torah pursuant follower of Yeshua, my instinct was to seek divine guidance. I assessed Joined’s oxygen levels and pulse, revealing an anomaly that left me uneasy.

Calling Dr. Mom

In the dread of employing local medical help, I assumed the role of “Doctor Mom,” probing Joined about his vitamin intake. A revelation unfolded – he hadn’t been taking them. My mind juggled thoughts of potential vitamin deficiency or dehydration. I had him take both, just to see if that would be the fix!

Wrestling with the decision to visit the Emergency Room, I grappled with the fear of judgment from some friends who had become increasingly critical. I desperately wanted to post a prayer request on Facebook, but I dreaded the judgment that might form in the minds of some.

In this moment, reminiscent of ancient Israel’s inclination to attribute misfortune to sin, I found solace in keeping our trial private. I had already learned the importance of guarding my heart from unjust judgments, after seeking guidance from my rabbi in navigating complex relationships within our community.

As Yeshua was passing by, He saw a man who had been blind since birth. His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?”
Yeshua answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned. This happened so that the works of God might be brought to light in him.
~ John 9:1-3

Visit to the Urgent Care

As we eventually sought medical help, uncertainty gripped our hearts. At first, the news seemed encouraging, even though inconclusive.

Then on the night of the above photo of Joined, we were out celebrating a special day in our family. A phone call came in. It was the doctor. Test results sent shockwaves through our family, indicating a life-threatening condition. Tearfully praying for Yah’s guidance while trying to protect Joined from seeing my face or hearing my voice, I wrestled with fear but ultimately surrendered the outcome to His hands. Friends in the medical field and Joined’s siblings provided valuable insights during this challenging time.

Amidst the turmoil, I questioned my own life, seeking if Yah wanted me to change anything or repent of any unknown sins. Yah gave me nothing, except the trial to trust in Him. The next 24 hours were a battle of fear and trust, as I clung to the assurance that Yah was with us in the crucible.

Magnify יהוה‎ with me
and let us exalt His Name together.
 I sought יהוה‎, and He answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
 They who looked to Him were radiant,
and their faces will never be ashamed.
~ Psalm 34:4-6

Deliverance and Thanksgiving

The results finally arrived, bringing immense relief – Joined’s condition was not as dire as initially feared. Together with the doctor, we identified the root cause in his struggles with autism, ADHD, and OCD.

As we celebrate this Thanksgiving, the journey through uncertainty has magnified the importance of trust, gratitude, and the unwavering presence of Yah. His grace has carried us through, reminding us that, in Messiah Yeshua, even the most challenging steps forward are met with His guiding hand.

P.S. Did you know the roots of Thanksgiving trace back to the Pilgrims, who likely celebrated Sukkot with Native Americans, influenced by their exposure to Jewish traditions? This historical connection adds a deeper layer of significance to the season.

Free Printable – Sukkot Chokkulot Candy Bar Wrapper

Sukkot S’mores

Sukkot chocolate bar wrappers are sure to be a hit at your S’mores table whether enjoying evenings at home or sitting around the campfire with your community. Simply print out the wrapper, cut to size, wrap around the chocolate bar, and tape/glue closed,

This does not take long, but nonethelass, I suggest you make these up before the week of Shabbat. If you are blessing others with a choice of chocolate, on the back you can check which box.

I hope you enjoy this free printable to make your Moedim (Yah’s Appointed Times) more special.


Sukkot Chokkulot - Chocokate Candy Bar Wrapper for Sukkot. Perfect for S'mores over the Campfire.