Cultivating Faith Culture

cul·​ture·vat·ing \ verb

1. Cultivating your faith & family culture by learning to abide in Messiah Yeshua and His Torah.

Symbolic Delight: Nutella Pastry Breakfast on the 8th Day

Symbolic for the 8th Day, a delicious Nutella Puff Pastry Breakfast

As we celebrate the 8th Day, a sacred and joyous occasion as commanded in Leviticus 23:36, what better way to start your morning than with a heavenly treat that blends tradition with indulgence? Our Nutella Puff Pastry Breakfast is a delectable tribute to this special day, and it carries an added layer of symbolism.

Before we dive into the recipe, take a moment to feast your eyes on the mouthwatering photo collage above. It’s a visual journey that showcases the simple steps to create this culinary masterpiece, which just so happens to resemble an “8” petal flower, star, or snowflake when baked. This delightful shape adds a touch of symbolism to your breakfast table, making it even more meaningful.

Now, let’s embark on this culinary adventure together. Click the following links for the detailed recipes:



Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, you’ll find joy in preparing and savoring this Nutella Puff Pastry breakfast.

So, let’s get started and make this 8th Day truly memorable with a breakfast that’s both delicious and filled with symbolism.