Cultivating Faith Culture

cul·​ture·vat·ing \ verb

1. Cultivating your faith & family culture by learning to abide in Messiah Yeshua and His Torah.



I’m Serach, and I’m on a journey to explore the depths of truth in faith, guided by the love and wisdom of יהוה‎ (Yah). My name, Searach means “free of restraint,” a reflection of my commitment to seeking the truth that sets us free. Did you know that in Psalms 119 it teaches us that the Torah gives us liberty? So what some call the “New Testament” would not teach in opposition to that, but rather is a misunderstanding that started when antisemitism started in the church, after the first century.

This website is a shared endeavor with my husband, as we stand together in our pursuit of truth and faith. We work, serve, play, study, pray, and cook together, knowing that unity in our faith and purpose is a source of great strength.

Our path is one where we follow Yeshua ha Mashiach while embracing the teachings of Torah.

This unique journey, where Torah and faith in Messiah intertwine to bring true freedom, is one that we treasure. As protectors and guardians, we are here to edify our fellow disciples, nurturing a spirit of lovingkindness as we grow in obedience out of love for יהוה.

Statement of Faith

Our beliefs are rooted in the eternal truth of the Scriptures, both the original and renewed testaments, inspired by יהוה‎. We stand against the notion of “Old and New Testaments” and see the continuity of covenants throughout the Scriptures. One covenant builds upon the other.

We affirm the oneness of God, Echad, eternally existent, in harmony with the plural form of Elohim. The Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 48:16 reveals the unity of the Messiah, יהוה Elohim, and Ruach HaKodesh since at least the beginning. We choose not to call this a trinity, as that is putting יהוה in a box. He is not bound by physics, time, space, or our comprehension of Him.

Yeshua, fully divine and fully man, is the prophesied Messiah of the Original Scriptures. His execution, resurrection, ascension, and the promise of His return are central to our faith.

Our belief in free will and predestination coexists harmoniously, reflecting the Scriptural truths of God’s sovereignty and human choice.

We recognize that all of humanity is created in the image of God, but sin separates us from Him. Salvation is found in Yeshua, and belief in His atoning work is the key to reconciliation with God.

As believers, we commit to living a WDYD (What Did Yeshua Do) lifestyle, following in His footsteps, embracing His teachings, and being immersed into His name.

The Torah remains an essential part of our faith journey, a response of love and obedience to God. It’s not a means to salvation, but a proof from gratitude for our salvation through faith in Messiah. Faith without the action of Torah is dead. Scripture teaches us to repent (turn away from breaking Torah and toward Yah), follow Yeshua, obey the commandments (Torah), and to endure until the end to be saved. That doesn’t sound like the easy-believism pervading many circles today. We cannot “earn” our salvation, but like Abraham, our faith is evidenced by our obedience to Torah.
“because Aḇraham obeyed My voice and guarded My Charge: My commands, My laws, and My Torot (plural of Torah…instructions and teachings).” Genesis 26:5  Yes, the commands, laws, and Torah existed BEFORE Moses.

Join Us in the Pursuit of Truth

As we continue our journey, we invite you to join us in exploring truth, faith, and the enduring love of יהוה‎. Let’s walk together in the path of freedom and wisdom. May the love of יהוה‎ guide our steps, and may His truth prevail. Shalom!